"War propaganda has entered a new phase, involving the coordinated action of satellite TV stations. CNN, France24, the BBC and Al Jazeera have become instruments of disinformation used to demonize governments and justify armed aggressions. These practices are illegal under international law and the impunity of the perpetrators must be stopped."
Journalisten Thierry Meyssan visar att Andreas Malms verksamhet är olaglig enligt internationell lag:
"Now, after the Second World War, the United Nations General Assembly passed legislation to prohibit and punish such practices.
Resolution 110 of 3 November 1947 regarding "measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war," condemns "propaganda which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression."
(Vi är fullt medvetna om att Thierry Meyssan inte är den bästa av källor men det hindrar inte att han har intressanta synpunkter)
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